Join us for Shofar for Change, a global wake-up call for action
Shofar for Change
Sunday, September 29, 2024
11 AM ET / 6 PM IST

Join Us in Sounding the Shofar for a More Compassionate World!

Animal agriculture is a leading contributor to climate change, threatening billions of lives. The Torah teaches us the value of Pikuach Nefesh—saving a life—which overrides almost all other commandments. We face an urgent question: How can we save our planet and protect the precious lives at risk?


Our Answer, Rooted in Tradition

A global shift towards veganism can reverse climate change, and it aligns with Jewish values of compassion, sustainability, and health. Our campaign aims to educate and mobilize the Jewish community to adopt a plant-based lifestyle, safeguarding animals, our health, and our ecosystem from collapse.


Our Speakers

We’re honored to feature the following leaders at our live virtual event:

  • Rabbi Adam Frank: Vegan rabbi and ethical educator based right in Jerusalem.
  • Rabbi Donn Gross: Vegan rabbi in New Jersey who has long advocated for aligning Jewish practices with values of compassion.
  • Raquela Karamson: Founder and CEO of Jewish Vegan Life, a global movement to merge Jewish values with plant-based living.
  • Dr. Richard Schwartz: Member of JVL Executive council and renowned author, lecturer, and leading activist on the connection between climate change and our food choices.