Kathryn J. Pollard is the author of the popular new guidebook on health, climate change, and chronic disease around the world: Eating Does It: Healing Ourselves and Our Planet with Food, published in October 2023. She is the Research Projects Manager for the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and adjunct faculty at the University of New England Graduate Nutrition Program. Kathy was one of the first instructors chosen to teach for the renown T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies certification course in plant-based nutrition where she taught for many years.
With early influences from scientists including Dr. Campbell, her collaborator Dr. Stacey Verardo, and her paleoclimatologist husband, Kathy’s book, Eating Does It, asserts that the most effective action any person can take to address the world’s biggest problems is through diet. A whole-food, plant-based diet combats both climate change and rampant chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and some cancers, without waiting for big policy changes, international cooperation, or costly drugs or medical procedures—and it’s free. This healthy diet emits the least greenhouse gases, uses the least of our limited resources, and is our most accessible tool to heal and maintain health, inside and out.
You can learn more and read Kathy’s articles at KathrynPollard.com.
Book Link: https://kathrynpollard.com/book/ or on Amazon.com